Friday, January 26, 2007

January 26th

Feeling a bit better today :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

January 24th

I pretty much sat in a very uncomfortable chair all day long. Little guy was sick with high fever. He would wake up every so often and scream and I would walk him for a while. My back is killing me!!! He's close to 40 pounds at 2 1/2, not a lighweight! We went on a very short walk, and this was the only shot I was able to snag really quick.

Monday, January 22, 2007

January 22nd

Starfruit. It was delicious! Looks like I need to play around with color the rest of the week, LOL.

January 21st

My little girl

Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19th

I took a couple days off...I took photos, but nothing that really summed up our days at all. I'm in a photo rut! We're going to an AKC dog show this weekend and I'm hoping to experiment and try some new things :) So here is one for today, it's looking into a kaleidoscope.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

January 16th

Snowball fight! My camera lost, oops. But it's ok, lol.

Monday, January 15, 2007

January 15th

Marked baby legs

January 14th

My son, sitting in a doll's chair, late last night. Yes, it's poor quality with the on camera flash even...but I'm sure in many years I will be glad to have captured the moment, even if it wasn't perfectly done :)

January 13th

Here I am, 12 weeks along, with monster baby #3! (This was taken by my husband, of course)

January 12th

Some raisin challah for this Friday night

Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 11th

It snowed today, and the roads are icy, so I got the day off! By that I mean my kids are stuck in town with their grandparents and Aunt and cousins. I went on a quick walk in the snow, and got these...

January 10th

(Sorry, I uploaded in reverse, red from bottom up) 4 years, 5 months, she learned how to tie a bow! All on her own too, she would never dream of asking for help. :)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

January 9th

A boy and his block tower :)

Monday, January 8, 2007

January 8th

Boring photo day today! I did take the next installment of my newest project, which is large B/W prints of produce in grainy moody goodness for our new kitchen. I have pomegranates and pears finished, so today I did beets. Only problem is I can't decide which I like best! All input is appreciated, which do you like best for my kitchen? ;)

Sunday, January 7, 2007

January 7th

We went out to visit our property today. House has walls and a sort of roof, it's getting there! It was really raining and I made hubby pull over down the road when I saw some fallen apples in the mud. I just like that sort of thing. They were really this bright and saturated, I love the colors I get in the rain.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

January 6th

Cutest little chef ever!

Friday, January 5, 2007

January 5th

Me: "Do not go outside without me"
My boy: "But I'm a kid who does that"

January 4th

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

January 3rd

Do you know what fraggles eat? Radishes. E asked me to get some for Wembley yesterday. I told her he needed to go pick some from the Gorgs' garden. She rolled her eyes at me...

This was my Wembley when I was little. He was already pretty well worn, but has become even moreso since E adopted him. She takes him everywhere at all times. He has had a full life, this humble little fraggle.

January 2nd

In need of some calming today, I spent some time next to my mood lifting aromatherapy candle. It was our first day "back" from our long winter vacation, and the kids settled back into our routines nicely, but needed lots of extra snuggles.

January 1st

This year will be full of many exciting changes. We will move onto our new homestead, my son will have his first long awaited haircut, my daughter will start school, and I will give birth to my third child! The photo I took for the first day of this project was the first thing I saw when I staggered out of the bedroom carrying my son, half asleep. My husband had left a cup of hot chocolate and a mostly eaten pear on the windowsill, and an army of ants had taken over. They were also covering the wall below, and it was truly disgusting. Since we are both the stubborn types, I waited until he noticed it and cleaned it up himself.